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Commonly Asked Questions regarding Appendicectomy


What is appendix?

Appendix is a small outpouching of the intestine from the caecum (caecum is the initial / starting part of the large intestine). It is a vestigial organ in humans. Vestigial means, it has no known function in human body. 

What is appendicitis?


The appendix, because of infection, becomes swollen, hard and painful. The condition is usually an emergency. Infact, appendicitis if not treated at the right time can lead to serious complication.


What are the complications of acute appendicitis?

complications of appendix.webp

  1. Perforation of the appendix: Appendix is a small tube like structure. Any swelling, blockage from infection can result in increased pressure inside the appendix thus resulting in rupture/perforation.

  2. Appendicular abscess: When the infection goes untreated, it becomes severe and results in pus formation in and around the appendix. This itself is a serious condition and can further propogate and make patient very sick.  

  3. Gangrenous appendicitis

Am I at risk of appendicitis?

So, who is at the risk of developing appendicitis. The most common is usually young population and adoloscents. Majority of cases happen in the population aged between 10 years - 30 years. 

It should be remembered that it can happen at any age, only the chances are lesser than the above mentioned age group. 

How will I know if I have appendicitis? What are its symptoms?


Fever, nausea, vomiting, severe lower abdominal pain are common symptoms of acute appendicitis. 

What is the ideal treatment for appendicitis?


The treatment for acute appendicitis and its complications is surgical removal of appendix. In case of complications the surgery is removal of appendix, but the patient is more sick once complications occur and patient will require longer hospitalization and medications.

Can appendectomy be performed laparoscopically?​


Yes. LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDICETOMY: appendix removal performed through laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery will be performed through small incisions and help prevent bigger surgical incision, patient has less post operative pain, early discharge and better cosmetic result.

surgery for appendicectomy.webp

Are only antibiotics enough for treating appendicitis?

No, they are not. It is a common question asked and infact, unfortunately practiced at certain places. Appendicitis usually occurs because of enlarged lymphoid follicles or impacted material (faecal matter, vegetable matter, parasites, neoplasm) inside the appendix. The antibiotics can suppress the infection temporarily but patient will be at risk of appendicitis occurring again as the source of the problem, that is, enlarged lymphoid follicles or impacted material is still present. 

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