Are you someone whose office hours consist of sitting/couched in a chair for a longer duration? If so, you’ll likely get joint stiffness and muscle weakness sooner than later. Gradually, less intensive tasks such as cleaning the house, dressing or caring for your kids become quite challenging & painful.
In an analysis done by SRL Diagnostics, it was found that more than 180 million Indians suffer from arthritis & joint pain-related complications. What’s shocking is that joint pain’s prevalence is higher than well-known diseases such as diabetes, AIDS and cancer.
However, you can fight it with the proper techniques, management, and lifestyle changes. With the correct set of tips for joint pain, it’s possible to manage arthritis pain. But before we begin with the top 8 tips to prevent arthritis, let’s state some common aspects concerning arthritis/joint pain.
What is Joint pain or Arthritis?
Arthritis is a disease impacting your joints. It is a degenerative condition where the pain/inflammation worsens over time. These persistent changes in the form of stiffness & inflammation lead to pain when you move, run or do any chore
Some of the common areas of the body are susceptible to arthritis:
Lower back.
Is there any difference between Joint Pain & Arthritis?
They both are interrelated to each other. As explained above, arthritis is characterised by inflammation & severe stiffness in the joints. So, every condition related to arthritis will inevitably involve joint pain.
In the case of joint pain, you may face painful or stiff joints without any inflammation. Even in those cases, the pain finally leads to arthritis. Here are some joint pains that aren’t arthritis:
Injury (dislocations, fractures, soft-tissue tears)
Bone cancer
Lyme disease
Complex regional pain syndrome
Chronic fatigue & lethargy
8 Effective Tips for Joint Pain to Ensure Pain-free Movements in Your Joints
We know there is much information on the internet, but the vast knowledge often leads to puzzlement. That’s why we’re with 8 expert-suggested joint pain relief tips to set things straight & let you get started with better care for joint pain.
1. Physical Exercises/Movements
The first tip for joint pain begins with getting yourself ready for exercise regularly. Trust us; these exercises work like a charm for arthritis & joint pain management. For instance, swimming, walking, yoga, and cycling are some exercises you can choose from.
These exercises are proven effective in easing joint mobility, strengthening muscles, and lessening stiffness. Under this tip to prevent arthritis, many choices are available; it is strictly advised to consult your orthopaedic doctor before deciding on any exercises.
2. Stay Fit & in Shape
It becomes quintessential for you to shed some weight & maintain your shape. It is so because excess weight puts more stress on your joints, thus making your arthritis/joint pain worse.
Now this doesn’t mean you’d need to lose an enormous amount of weight quickly; losing even a small amount of weight will go a long way in lowering pain and improving your span of motion. You’d know that this tip for joint relief starts with eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins (chicken & eggs) to manage your weight effectively.
3. Use Heat & Cold Therapy
This tip for joint pain involves opting for heat and cold therapy. First, put a heating pad/hot water bottle on your joints or take a warm bath. Doing so soothes stiff joints and relaxes muscles.
Moreover, you can put an ice pack or cold compress on your joints for cold therapy. Under these health tips for joint pain, we don’t advise you to take ice baths. Cold therapy works because it reduces inflammation and numbs the area, thus easing pain.
4. Form a Proper Posture
This tip for joint pain must be the easiest. All you need to do is sit or lay in a straightened position. That means no more couching or slouching like a couch potato. If you start to sit or lay in a straightened position, your posture will improve & joint pain in the spine, knees, and neck.
Use ergonomic chairs, beds, and pillows to relieve joint pain while sitting or sleeping. Also, refrain from sitting in a place for too long; set a timer that’ll remind you to take a 5-minute walk or stretch after an hour of sitting.
5. Maintaining Proper Techniques
As you know, small changes in your daily lifestyle can go a long way in minimising pain & stress.
Refrain from lifting heavy objects & don’t take up chores that are too intensive & wear you down. Remember to channel the pressure on as many joints as possible, even while walking, doing yoga, or stretching.
6. Take Enough Rest
Everyone, you too, of course, know that getting enough rest (a lot) and sleep helps your body recover quickly. So is valid for the case of joint pain & arthritis. Try to sleep on a hardened surface with not too much cushioning, and avoid using high-rise pillows.
7. Follow a Healthy Diet
The last tip for joint pain consists of you following a healthy diet. Now you must be wondering what we mean by that (as there are a lot of plans out there). Any diet plan consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole foods strengthens your immune system and overall health.
A plant-based diet is rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation & stiffness in your joints. In Ayurveda & other ancient texts, it is prescribed to use turmeric in your diet (milk or salads) to ease the stiffness around the joints. Whereas processed foods, saturated fat, extra sugar and salt may worsen joint inflammation (leading to arthritis).
Furthermore, a greasy/oily diet contributes to obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other complications. So, you can make out that it will not be a good diet for someone with arthritis.
Visit or Call Jain Multispeciality Hospital for Treatments Related to Joint Pain
These practical tips for joint pain will help you cope with arthritis pain and experience painless joint movements. But always remember that these are just makeshift remedies for arthritis & joint pain. These joint pain relief tips aren’t meant to be followed for intensive operations.
So please visit or book an appointment with a rheumatologist or an orthopaedic surgeon if you experience severe joint pain. At Jain Multispeciality Hospital, we have healthcare staff trained & equipped to provide nuanced & intensive care for arthritis or joint pain.